Is summer a risk for addictions?

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Lhe experts at the lopez ibor clinic offer several tips to reduce addictive behaviours in summer.

Summer is a time that many people look forward to, however, it can also be a period of risk for the development of addictive behaviours. The experts of the López Ibor Clinic point out that factors such as social context, emotion management and summer plans may contribute to this problem.

"Summer is not the direct cause of addictions, but it is a facilitating period that can expose people to risky situations, due to increased free time, social activities and summer plans". the clinic explains".Emotional management also plays an important role, as summer can arouse pleasant or frustrating emotions, and in some people this can lead to addictive behaviours as a way of coping with these emotions, and the increased use of screens during the summer, especially in the younger population, can also increase the risk of technological addictions". experts add.

What are the most widely used substances in our country? According to data from the Ministry of Health published in thesurvey on alcohol and other drugs (2022) alcohol continues to be the most widely consumed psychoactive substance. The data state that 76.4% of Spaniards aged 15-64 years have consumed alcohol in the last 12 months, 64.5% in the last 30 days and 9.0%, daily, in the last 30 days. The survey warns that binge drinking (bingedrinking) is a pattern of risky consumption that is more prevalent in Spain today than it was years ago.

According to the figures, alcohol addiction is followed by alcohol addiction.tobacco addiction (39.0% of those surveyed) and prescription and non-prescription hypnosedatives (the 13,1%), followed by the cannabis (10,6%) and the cocaine powder and/or base (2.4%). Compared with the data for 2020, there is an increase in the consumption of hypnosedatives and a slight decrease in the consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

How to reduce addictive behaviours in summer? Tips for a healthy lifestyle by the experts at the López Ibor Clinic:

Risk awareness: It is essential to be informed about the risks associated with the use of drugs, alcohol and other addictive substances, as well as the excessive use of screens and technology. Knowing the consequences can help you make more conscious choices.

Emotional managementSummer can be a time when emotions vary, whether it is the joy of holidays or the frustration of not being able to meet certain expectations. Learning to manage emotions in a healthy way and looking for constructive alternatives to deal with stressful situations is important.

3. Leisure planning: In summer, free time can increase and this can lead to a search for activities to fill those spaces. Planning the days with productive and healthy activities that keep us busy and entertained is key.

4. Avoid risky situations: It is essential to be aware of summer plans that may involve risks for the development of addictive behaviours. When a person feels that he/she is in a "risky" environment for addictions, it is important to maintain a responsible attitude and avoid falling under social pressure.

5. Encourage outdoor activities: Enjoying the summer by doing outdoor activities to stay active and connected to nature is important. Playing sports, walking, swimming or simply strolling along the beach can be healthy and enjoyable options.

6. Strengthen social support: Maintain a strong support network of friends and family, with whom you can share your experiences and concerns. A support network can go a long way in preventing you from falling into addictive behaviours.

7. Practice moderation: Moderation and responsibility are essential to avoid addictive behaviour. Each person must know his or her limits and respect his or her physical and emotional well-being.

8. Avoid social pressure: During the summer, social events and parties can be frequent. It is essential to learn to say "no" when faced with pressure to participate in activities that could be detrimental to health.

9. Seek professional help: It is important to seek professional help when you feel you are struggling with an addiction. Early intervention can make all the difference in overcoming addictions.

Summer can be a season of enjoyment and personal growth, as long as we are aware of the risks and make responsible decisions. Avoiding risky situations, planning leisure time constructively and looking for healthy alternatives to enjoy the summer is key. In addition, it is important to maintain a support network and seek professional help if necessary to prevent or overcome addictive behaviours. Prevention and awareness are basic to enjoy a healthy and addiction-free summer.