Food and drink, NUTRITION

Kombucha: the trendy drink boosts turnover in Spain

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The Extremaduran company Komvida has strengthened its position as a undisputed leader in the Spanish kombucha marketby successfully meeting the objectives set out in its business plan for the period 2019-2023. The company has experienced a constant and sustained evolution, reaching important milestones in terms of turnover, production, profitability, growth of its workforce and market share.

Komvida's compound annual growth rate (CAGR) 2019-2023, stands at 63 %. "This level of growth, sustained over several years, is a strong testimony to the company's profitability, competitiveness and ability to maintain a leading position in our sector at European level," says Beatriz Magro, CEO and co-founder of the company.

Komvida Kombucha has proven to be an extraordinary growth in all aspects of its operation. In 2024 it is preparing to increase its production capacity by 45%. 

In terms of turnover, with only two years on the market, Komvida had a turnover of 1.1 million euros (2019), tripling in 2020 to 3.1 million euros. The year 2021 saw exponential growth, with a turnover of €8.8 million, and this success was maintained in 2022, reaching a turnover of €10.9 million by the end of the financial year.  

A strategy backed by a firm commitment to continuous innovation and excellence at product level. Komvida was the first kombucha brand in Europe to obtain IFS certification, which guarantees the highest quality standards in production. The diversification of its offer has not only boosted the category but has also positioned "innovation" as a fundamental pillar of the brand's values. 

Another key aspect has been the expansion of national distribution. Currently, Komvida leads the category with more than 15 000 outlets, of which 80 % of its turnover comes from, while the remaining 20 % is generated through online sales via its subscription model. "The preference for our brand stems from the exceptional quality of our products and the solid reputation we have built. This loyalty on the part of our customers is reflected in subscription rates that are unheard of in the industry," says Magro. 

Beatriz Magro, founder of Komvida, explains that the economic growth of the company is not only a business success, but goes hand in hand with its positive impact in society. "We are the alternative to sugary drinks and alcohol, but our aim is not just to offer a healthier option. We want to promote opportunities for women and encourage economic growth in rural Spain. This is where our origins lie and it is the driving force behind our continued growth," Magro explains. 

The origins of Komvida Kombucha are in Fregenal de la Sierra (Extremadura), from where the Extremadura brand has been an important player in the production of Kombucha. economic engine for the region. Magro stresses that "Fregenal is the Mecca of kombucha in Spain and we have a plan to make the region a world reference. We have shown that a rural area can be an epicentre of innovation and business development".  

In line with its purpose, the 75 % of Komvida's staff are women. Magro underlines "We are a company founded and led by women, and from the beginning, we have had a clear mission to promote female leadership, especially in the rural environment. This mission not only enriches our corporate culture, but also serves as an inspiration for other women who want to lead in business. 

Both aspects are integrated into the ESG plan The company's organic production system, which is made up of a series of standards rigorously audited by the Sirsa consultancy firm. Furthermore, through its value chain, Komvida plays a fundamental role in the economic dynamisation of the region by collaborating directly with distributors in Extremadura and carrying out totally ecological production. In line with its commitment to sustainability, it assesses its carbon footprint, carries out a life cycle analysis on how to use waste and has an efficient water planning and management system.

The kombucha sector in Spain has experienced unprecedented growth in the last two years, with sales increasing by 580 %. Komvida Kombucha stands out as the undisputed leader and will close 2023 representing 53 % of the market share in Spain. according to Nielsen data. "We have been the main driver and key player in this growth through our investment in category education and our unwavering mission to make it known. We believe in kombucha as a healthy and sustainable lifestyle choice, and we are committed to sharing the benefits of kombucha with as many people as possible. Wherever there is a cola, in 5 years there will be a Komvida," explains Magro.