
10 tips to protect your skin and hair from the effects of summer

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1. Total skin cleansingcleansing should be carried out with gentle, natural products that do not irritate the skin, but at the same time allow us to remove the grease and dirt that accumulates during the course of the day.

Proper cleaning consists of 5 steps:

  • Make-up removal and impurity removals: This is the basic step. "I recommend the virgin milk to leave skin soft and clean. Cleansing should be done daily, even if we have not applied make-up.o "cNatalia Olmo, founder of the natural and ecological cosmetics company, comments on her work. Maminat.
  • Exfoliate the skin, once a week. This helps to regenerate it. "One of the best exfoliators out there is the one you can make yourself at home with a little bit of salted oil or panela sugar mixed with some oil, like sweet almond oil". recommends the expert.
  • Facial moisturising: In summer we sweat more and our skin needs to be moisturised to a greater extent. The sun, the salt of the sea or the chlorine of the swimming pools, leave us with "lizard" skin.
  • Eye ContourThe skin around the eyes is the thinnest and thinnest skin on the body and is therefore prone to the signs of ageing."In this case, myrrh slows down skin ageing. The skin around the eyes is very affected by the sun. Apply the cream with your ring finger, gently tapping it into the eye socket, always from the inside out". advises Natalia.
  • Remember the body: body hydration  plays an important role in the summer. We must use moisturising creams that allow us to recover the elasticity and shine lost by the heat. "It is very important to find the perfect cream for our lifestyle. If we don't moisturise, our skin will become totally dry and unhealthy looking. The Terreta body cream or the solid body creamThey are perfect to take with you wherever you go.

And the hair, how to protect it after exposure to the sun and the sea?The heat, UV radiation, salt and chlorine are the main enemies of our hair in summer. Although vitamin D is said to be essential for the absorption of calcium in our hair (as it stimulates blood circulation in the cases that supply blood to the scalp), the truth is that excessive sunbathing causes more problems than benefits.

2. Beware of the sun: Hats and scarves, your best allies "UVA rays can attack melanin and break the keratin bonds in the hair, giving it a dull, brittle and fragile appearance. If we don't protect our hair with scarves, hats or parasols, UV rays will penetrate the cuticles, weakening the hair follicles and causing hair breakage. details Natalia Olmo. "And also, avoid sun exposure from 12h to 16h". he adds.

3. Deterioration by sea saltThe sun is not the only enemy of our hair in summer. The salt present in the sea water, acts like a magnifying glass effect that attracts the sun's rays, the sea minerals contained in the sand cause the hair to oxidise and the wind contributes to the hair becoming coarser and drier.

 4. Avoid chlorine: After every dip in chlorinated water or after spending a long time in the sand and in contact with the sun, it is necessary to take a shower to moisturise the skin and hair and remove those pathological agents that generate acne and blemishes.

5. Extra hydration Did you know that hair needs around 17% of water to stay hydrated? Nourishing our hair and protecting it from external aggressions is key to achieving a silky feel and shiny appearance. It is as important to prevent as it is to repair in order to have a strong and healthy hair

6- Use shampoos free of sulphates and parabens and always use conditioner! sulphate and paraben free shampoo helps to protect the hair from the sun and the sea, since it prevents hair breakage, promotes the production of oil and does not cause irritation. "At Maminat we have shampoos suitable for oily, dry and normal hair. Our recommendation is that, taking advantage of the good temperatures, rinse your hair with warm or cold water to facilitate hydration and blow dry your hair in the wind! The use of a hairdryer or straighteners can dehydrate your hair even more".

With regard to the conditioner should always be your ally. Plus, the solid format is perfect to carry in any luggage. The conditioner provides extra moisture and nourishment to the hair after long days in the sun. "I recommend a strong conditioner made from avocado is ideal for the hair cell regeneration.In addition, the conditioner will reduce static electricity and will give the hair more volume".clarifies Natalia Olmo.

7. Forget about plastic combs: Aggressive and tugging brushing is not recommended, especially in summer. The beechwood brushes with resin bristles are ideal for eliminating static electricity caused by dryness and are suitable for all hair types.

Don't forget your food and pace of life,another key point that helps to take care of our skin and hair in summer: 

8. Cook raw, light and above all...balance your energy!"We must find the right balance throughout the year and not switch from a diet based on animal proteins, fats or oils that generate internal heat in winter, to cold foods, sugary drinks, ice cream or excess liquid in summer. The ideal is to find the right balance throughout the year. A healthy diet is synonymous with spectacular skin whether it's summer, autumn, winter or spring.The expert advises.

9. Attention to our rest. Getting enough sleep contributes to a better production and regeneration of skin cells which helps us to keep our skin in good condition and rested. We should sleep about 7 hours a day, because this will keep us in a better mood, keep the heart healthy and improve the immune system..

10. Even if it's the last... it's the most important one SUNSCREEN AT ALL TIMES (even if the day is cloudy and you are no longer on holiday)It is important to know which sunscreen to choose, because the choice affects not only our skin, but also the planet. "I recommend avoid chemical filters, as they are composed of synthetic organics derived from petroleum and these can be, like other cosmetic ingredients, hormone disruptors and are more susceptible to allergies.