Clinics and hospitals, Mental, POWER

Executives 5.0, their most common ailments and health problems

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Managing teams, portfolios, leading projects, attending numerous meetings. Taking care of your personal and company image. Keeping up to date with the business and contacts and, above all, achieving the maximum benefit for the company. In other words: to achieve the objectives set. The life of an executive today is a long-distance race, in a highly variable technological environment, and you have to reach the finish line, yes, but you also have to reach it in the best health and performance conditions.

This has been understood by the human resources departments, which are concerned with the health prevention and wellbeing of their managers, who often lack the time to take part in the general activities of what is now known as the wellbeing. It is about getting them right, but, in addition to improving the performance of the board and the employer brandind or company culture.

In this line, the integral health improvement programmes have been designed and implemented for executives and executives from Neolifefrom where its head of corporate health, Angel BriongosThe women, she says, are the ones who are most aware of the importance of health care.

Female managers have the well-known handicap of the menopause, but also that of the perimenopause, the onset of the climacteric period, which is less well known, but which causes them to lose vitality, energy and ability to concentrate. They are very demanding and try to maintain a high level of performance, so they are open to new formulas that allow them to take control of their physical, emotional and psychological state.

In men, this hormonal decline is not so abrupt. On the contrary, it develops from their 30s to their 50s, so they are less aware of the problems and ailments associated with the passage of time.

Thus, it is not difficult to find young executives who are "healthy, sporty, non-smokers and who do not have cholesterol, diabetes or hypertension, but who, without knowing it, have significant arterial damage". Hence, the recommendation is to individualise the level of cardiovascular risk in each patient, disassociating it from measurements used for population groups, in order to avoid exposure to a serious cardiovascular event such as heart attack, stroke or sudden cardiac death.

Having a family history of this problem leads many of these senior executives to have check-ups before the age of 45, the standard date recommended by the health authorities. While they are concerned about their own children (deterioration, poor quality of life, dependency, etc.), they manage to regain their vitality and energy in the present, improving their day-to-day performance - in the office and outside it.

In the checks of Neolife Corporate Health On the other hand, two areas where there are few differences between men and women have been identified. While it is true that women are more likely to suffer from sleep and mood problems, both issues also affect men with business responsibilities in a pronounced way. Lack of sleep and consequent lack of rest leads to lower productivity during the day and increased irritability, which can lead to a poor working environment and poor critical decision-making.

Not sleeping well also leads to low mood, which can reduce performance and creativity from a 100% to a 60%, warns Briongos.

For these reasons, it is often the company itself that pushes the company to go beyond the check-ups. executive to use, opting for health programmes for the Board (check-up, with medical accompaniment), as a way of attracting talent and as its own investment in the achievement of results.

Neolife's treatments are designed and adapted to the current context. In this sense, from their clinics they want to highlight the modern and comprehensive approach to improving the body, from body composition to hormonal and metabolic rebalancing, including melatonin regulation and circadian rhythms of sleep and rest, genetic and microbiota studies. Today, the gold standard of prevention and anti-aging medicine, in addition to best practices in HR.