Food and drink, NUTRITION

Diet to increase muscle mass

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The hypertrophyalso known as muscle building, is produced by stressing the fibres through training. This stress is sought in the progressive increase of the loads used for the exercises, repetitions and sets or frequency of training. But even diet is an essential component for this kind of physical goal.
In order to promote hypertrophy, a caloric surplus is first necessary.This means consuming more calories than we burn through our daily activities and the exercise. How much to eat is highly subjective and varies from person to person, their goals, gender and lifestyle.

For best results, in addition to strength training, make sure you don't skip these macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Proteins are the building blocks you need to increase lean mass. In particular, essential amino acids stimulate protein synthesis and prevent the body from using muscle tissue for fuel during and after training. Protein is found in foods such as eggs, chicken breast, red meat, tuna, legumes, tofu and Greek yoghurt.

Carbohydrates help restore energy stores quickly and support muscle building. If you don't have enough, you'll struggle to get the most out of your training routines. The best sources of carbohydrates are: rice, oats and oat flakes, potatoes and sweet potatoes, pasta, wholemeal bread, quinoa, fruit.

Fats or lipids
Although fats do not play an essential role in increasing lean mass, they are important for producing hormones and having a healthy immune system. It is therefore advisable to eat foods such as extra virgin olive oil, egg yolk, salmon, avocado, dark chocolate, nuts, chia seeds or flaxseed.

There are a number of foods that can help you build muscle mass; many of these are rich in protein and help muscles recover and grow after workout routines. They also contain vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function better. To achieve good results, make sure you exercise regularly and consume more calories than you burn.