Well-being is the top priority for consumers globally, according to Mindbody and Classpass

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Consumers now see health and fitness as an essential area of spending and, despite the global squeeze on disposable incomes, will continue to increase their investment in wellness.

That is one of the findings of the second annual Mindbody + Classpass 2024published this week by Mindbody and Classpass.

The report shows consumer sentiment and describes the views of industry leaders regarding expected wellness trends in 2024.

The six predictions for the coming year are:

  1. Strength training will remain popular
  2. Community beauty and wellness events will become more and more popular
  3. Consumers will expect science-based products and services with proven performance.
  4. The importance of sleep hygiene will continue to grow
  5. Consumers will combine temperature therapies.
  6. Older adults and boomers will flock to gyms in greater numbers

The Mindbody Classpass 2024 predictions report also compiles the results of various industry reports published over the past 12 months.

These include the Accenture Consumer Pulse 2022 Survey, which analysed responses from 11,000 consumers in 16 countries and revealed that despite two-thirds (66 per cent) of respondents saying they felt financially pressured, 80 per cent intended to maintain or increase their spending in areas related to health and fitness. Each trend is fully annotated, with commentary and case studies.

Regarding the prediction that "boomers will go boutique", for example, the report says: "In the coming years, we predict an increasing number of boutique fitness offerings designed specifically for this vibrant age group.

"There was a time when people over 55 might have been considered in the twilight stage of their lives," Seacrest said. "But now they're active and they want to stay active. They want quality of life and they know that exercise is part of that."

"More than half of baby boomers say they now prioritise wellness more than ever and more than a third consider strength training more important than other wellness activities." This view was supported by Leah Seacrest, vice president of operations for franchised studio operator Regymen Fitness.