Leaders in biomedicine and biotechnology to meet in Granada in April

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The Granada Health Technology Park will be the venue for the first edition of the "BioMed & Tech Talksa new independent, cross-disciplinary, international and multidisciplinary event that will from 8 to 11 April 2024coinciding with World Health Week, will give visibility to innovative projects in BioMedicine and BioTechnology, with Artificial Intelligence as a special guest.

Granada has been the city chosen by Medina Medina Events (MME), organiser of the event, "BioMed & Tech Talks in Granada will be an international, national and regional meeting point. An ideal place where the latest advances in BioMedicine and BioTechnology in 2024 will be presented in an inspirational environment open to all. To all projects, to all companies, to all ideas, to all researchers, to all investors and to all countries", announces María Medina, its General Director.

"The main idea is to invite all the leaders in BioMed and BioTech in the world, both multinationals, researchers, universities and investors, to come to Granada to present their projects to the health informaticians and to the largest purchaser of health products and solutions in Spain, and one of the largest in Europe: Andalusia," says Medina.

"The Bio-South also exists".

María Medina considers that "beyond Madrid and Catalonia, which for years have been concentrating almost all the attention of the Bio world in Spain, research and innovation in Andalusia, in the South, also exists".

Medina Media Events' (MME) commitment to pioneering events in new technologies is not new. First it was the 4K Summit in 2015, then in 2017 the 5G Forum, this year it was the International Cybersecurity Radar (CSI Radar) and before that, in 2019, it was the Space and Underwater Tourism Summit (SUTUS) in Marbella. All of them have continued and will have new editions in 2024.

"Now, in 2024, MME is committed to BioMedicine and BioTechnology, with an international agenda and Artificial Intelligence as a special guest," says María Medina.

The BioMed & Tech Talks agenda will be hybrid, with two face-to-face and two virtual sessions. The face-to-face sessions will be held on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 April, with the virtual presentations on Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 April. The reception for VIP guests and sponsors will be on Sunday 7 April, World Health Day, with a private agenda for Grenada, courtesy of local institutions.

4 thematic axes and a special guest: Artificial Intelligence

The agenda of the event will have four thematic axes: The first will be on Medicines, the second on Equipment, the third on Technology, Data and Artificial Intelligence, and the fourth, called "Miscellaneous", will cover a variety of other topics.

"MME events are "boutique events", aimed at a selected and select audience. Both for the sponsors, as well as for the experts and authorities. Access in person, for 250 people, is by invitation only," explains María Medina.

All the selected presentations, of which there will be around 40 in person and virtual ones, can be followed through "The Observatory", the digital platform of Medina Media Events, where all the speeches will be available 24/365 for on-demand consumption, like Netflix.

In collaboration with the Progreso y Salud Foundation

The "BioMed & Tech Talks" in Granada are supported by the Fundación Progreso y Salud (FPS) as the main promoter and will serve to publicise the strategic lines of the Andalusian Health Institute (ISA).

The mission of the Andalusian Health Institute (ISA) will be to contribute to improving the health of all citizens with research and innovation in Health Sciences and Biomedicine, and will integrate both the Progress and Health Foundation (FPS), the Andalusian School of Public Health and the General Secretariat of Public Health and R+D+i of the Regional Ministry of Health.

The agenda of the "BioMed & Tech Talks" in Granada will also include visits and demonstrations for attendees and informants at IAVANTE, part of the FPS and located in the Health Technology Park (PTS). 

Granada's Health City, a unique space in Europe

The Granada Health Technology Park (PTS) is a unique space in Europe, as it is home to a large hospital, the Faculty of Health Sciences, foundations, research centres and multinational health companies.

The Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio is a hospital complex that annually serves more than 500,000 inhabitants, has more than 3,200 professionals, more than 600 beds, 12 clinical units, 18 operating theatres, a heliport and modern facilities and equipment, as it was inaugurated just 7 years ago, in 2016.

The University of Granada, with a worldwide prestige in Medicine, has in the PTS the Faculty of Health Sciences, which has more than 1.300 students, a space of 12.000 m2, has classrooms with the latest technologies and offers degrees in Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, postgraduate courses, etc.

A few metres away is the IAVANTE clinical simulation centre, an innovative training centre with unique facilities in Europe that combines advanced training methodologies and organises various classroom and on-line courses based on advanced clinical simulations of maximum realism.

In addition, the Granada Health Technology Park (PTS) is home to more than 100 innovative BioMedicine companies and entities such as ROVI laboratories, the Pfizer Genetics and Oncology Centre (Genyo), the Medina Foundation, Neuron Bio, Master Diagnóstica, the International Institute of Phlebology and Vircell, among others.

The aim of Bio Med & Tech Talks is to give visibility to all the leading national companies, multinationals, universities, institutions and experts who are working to be a reference in innovation, research and health training.

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